Don’t miss Saturday’s OSTA Fall Staff Development Conference!
Pre-Registered participants will have a table where they can check-in and quickly pick up their conference materials and be on their way. (But you still might want to arrive early as over 200 participants are pre-registered) Registration will be open by 7:45
Continental Breakfast!!!!!!
Over 50 presentations to choose from, at least 10 each hour! A incredible range of topics, including presentations by many of the 23 Vendors who will be manning booths in the Howell Hall Atrium. Special time has been built into the schedule so you can peruse the booths and not have to skip a session.
At the OSTA Luncheon (for those who pre-Registered) we will honor colleagues who have made outstanding contributions to Oklahoma science teaching.
We will also have important elections for OSTA Board members and an important ratification vote to confirm changes to the OSTA Constitution and By-Laws.
And don’t forget the OSTA Silent Auction to benefit awards to deserving youth at the State Science Fair!
On-Site Registration will have it’s own table so you can fill out the On-Site form there or download it here and bring cash, check or PO. The Car Pool Special is still in effect so round up your colleagues and save!
The first sessions start promptly at 8:30 so arrive early to pick up your conference materials and scope out Howell Hall. Here is your UCO campus map complete with parking lot locations as well as a map of Edmond so you can Google driving directions right to the Howell Hall doorstep.
See you Saturday at UCO!