Earth Day 2010 Programs From Earth Day Network

Celebrate the 40th anniversary of Earth Day (April 22, 2010) at your school! This year’s historic event is a great opportunity for your students to learn about and take action for the environment. Register for Earth Day Network’s free online Educators’ Network at to receive environmental education curricula and other resources to celebrate Earth Day. Be sure to tell them what you’re doing at!

Where We Got Our Green – Earth Day 40th Anniversary Curriculum Unit Explores the History of the Environmental Movement 

Now that Earth Day is turning 40, it is the perfect time to reflect on how much our world has changed since the advent of the environmental movement. 

But when exactly was that event? When did environmentalism begin? How have humans impacted the environment, and how has the environment impacted humans? If you want to explore these questions, check out Earth Day Network’s newest resource, a free online comprehensive curriculum unit on the history of the environmental movement. They’ve divided the environmental movement into five eras – Pre Conservation, Conservation, Modern, Environmental Justice, and Sustainability. This thorough resource will provide you with images, videos, maps, graphs and more to fill you in on where we’ve come from and where we’re headed as a global movement. Hundreds of pages of background information and lesson plans for use in and out of the classroom, as well as references to multimedia resources and extension activities are also freely available from the Educators’ Network.

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