Evolution 2011 at OU in June

June 17-21, 2011
  John Q. Hammonds Embassy Suites Hotel and Convention Center
Norman, Oklahoma

The University of Oklahoma will be hosting “Evolution 2011,” the joint annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE), the Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB), and the American Society of Naturalists (ASN), on June 17-21 2011 in Norman, Oklahoma at the John Q. Hammonds Embassy Suites Hotel and Convention Center.  Sponsoring OU units include: Office of the Vice-President for Research (VPR); Office of the Dean – College of Arts & Sciences; Department of Zoology; OU Biological Station; Oklahoma Biological Survey; Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History (SNOMNH), and; The University of Oklahoma Libraries.

On June 17th in conjunction with the conference,  the National Center for Science Education, the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center, and contributors from Oklahomans of Excellence in Science Education (OESE) will present an all-day teachers’ workshop for Oklahoma science teachers with national professional instructors. Information is posted at http://www.evolution2011.ou.edu/ and will be updated as details emerge. The registration fee will be $25 and includes admission to the main meetings.

We’ll keep you posted on the details of this event as they become available.

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