2008 BioBlitz!

All members of OSTA are invited to participate in this year’s BioBlitz! on September 12-13, 2008 at the Great Salt Plains State Park and Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge.  

What is BioBlitz? A 24-hour rapid inventory of biological diversity.  You can read more about BioBlitz! 2008 and submit an online registration form Here

Early registration has begun and if you register before July 15th, there is a discounted registration fee – only $5!  The registration fee includes the Friday night cookout, one t-shirt, camping in designated Bioblitz! group campsite, and 24-hours of counting Oklahoma’s Biodiversity!

This is a perfect opportunity to expose an interested group of students to the field biology experience.  In the past, high school and college biology classes and clubs have had a great time participating in the inventory.  

BioBlitz! is also looking for volunteers who are willing to share their expertise with others by doing a demonstration, giving a short talk, leading a “nature” walk, or another type of educational activity.  Please email if you are interested in being an educator at the Great Salt Plains.

We are excited about this year’s BioBlitz! and looking forward to seeing you at the Great Salt Plains in September!

Feel free to contact Priscilla Crawford (prill@ou.edu), 2008 BioBlitz! Coordinator with questions about BioBlitz! 2008.


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