Register now for AAAS – SWARM at TU

Science and Religion: Building Bridges, Dismantling Misconceptions Symposium

A symposium on the relationship between science and religion is being organized for the American Association for the Advancement of Science-Southwestern and Rocky Mountains Division (AAAS-SWARM) annual meeting at the University of Tulsa to be held from March 31 — April 4, 2012.
“Science and Religion: Building Bridges, Dismantling Misconceptions” is an interdisciplinary symposium intended to bring together researchers from the social, physical, and biological sciences at the interface of science, religion, and society. It is a common misunderstanding among the American public that science and religion are opposing viewpoints, when in fact they are can be viewed as different bodies of knowledge. This symposium will feature original data and ideas on how the public perceives the interaction between science and religion and the ways in which misconceptions about these relationships can be addressed and corrected. The ultimate goal of this symposium is to generate ideas and strategies that improve the general public’s understanding of science as a process, without denigrating the importance of religion in human culture and society.
Topics presented and discussed in this symposium might include but not be limited to:

  1. how various religions or denominations view science and scientific discoveries,
  2. different ways science can engage the public in meaningful dialogue about science and its relationship with religion,
  3. managing non-scientific viewpoints from a scientific perspective,
  4. informal education opportunities and the role of scientists, and
  5. explaining to the public differences in the ways of knowing in science compared with religion.

AAAS Member and Non-Member Fees

March 31 – April 4, 2012
University of Tulsa – Tulsa, Oklahoma


  • Non-presenter registrations: March 10, 2012. After this date, registrations will only be accepted on-site at the primary meeting venue (Allen Chapman Activity Center) March 31-April 4, 2012
AAAS Member and Non-Member Fees


Professional ($65)
University/College Faculty ($65)
Retired Professor/Professional ($50)
Post doctorate ($50)
Undergraduate/graduate student ($25)

University of Tulsa Student Research Colloquium Participant ($0)
K-12 Teacher ($10)
K-12 Student ($0)
Single day pass (non-presenters only) ($20)


Registration instructions

To register by mail:

  • Complete online form below, submit and confirm, print confirmation page, and mail to:David Nash
    1112 Oakridge Drive,
    Suite 104-PMB 297,
    Ft. Collins, CO 80525

To register online:

  • Complete the online form below. Please be sure to fill in all required fields (marked with an asterisk: *). Please use capital letters where appropriate.
  • Each conference registrant should submit a separate registration form.
  • Once you have completed the online registration, you should receive a registration confirmation from us within FIVE business days for online registration and TEN business days for mailed registrations.
  • Please report any problems to David Nash (

For further questions or comments contact Dr. Aaron Place by email or by phone at 580-327-8673.


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