A Framework for K-12 Science Education—released online last summer and now available in print—describes the major practices, crosscutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas that all students should be familiar with by the end of high school, and it provides an outline of how these practices, concepts, and ideas should be developed across the grade levels. The Framework is grounded in the most current research on science and science learning and is the first critical step in the development of Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). To view the Framework or to purchase a print copy, click here.
In a process managed by Achieve, 26 states are currently leading the development of Next Generation Science Standards (Ed. note: Oklahoma applied, but was apparently not selected to be a participating state). The standards will undergo multiple reviews, including two public drafts. A first public draft of the standards is expected sometime this spring, with a final version expected in late 2012. NSTA is providing advice to the project and engaging the science education community in the feedback process. Visit www.nsta.org/ngss to view and download numerous resources exploring the Framework and to stay up-to-date on news regarding standards development. Visit the NGSS site at www.nextgenscience.org.