OU’s Richard Dawkins Talk Moved

shapeimage_6Richard Dawkins

“The Purpose of Purpose”

A Darwin 2009 talk

When: 7pm, Friday 6 March 

Where: McCasland Field House, OU Norman campusThe talk will be followed by a BOOK SIGNING; bring a book or buy a book on the night.Important: 
Parking is always an issue on, and around, campus, so arrive early.

The talk has been moved to McCasland Field House: Admission free; there are no tickets for this event, admission will be on a first-come, first-seated basis. 
(The tickets that were distributed when the talk was scheduled for Sharp Hall ARE NOT valid for the Field House)

For accommodations on the basis of disability, please call 325-3253.

Questions: Contact Barry Weaver, bweaver@ou.edu

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