Teaching the Science of Evolution at The University of Tulsa

logos_tuAs a part of it’s celebration of the Bicentennial of Darwin’s birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of “Origin of Species”, the University of Tulsa will host a half-day workshop for Oklahoma Science Teachers: “TEACHING THE SCIENCE OF EVOLUTION”.  

The workshop will take place Saturday, February 14th in Keplinger Hall, Room M1 and is open to pre-service and in-service Oklahoma science teachers as well as TU staff and students.  (campus map)

Workshop Schedule:

8:00-8:30  AM– Registration (with coffee and bagels!)

8:30-9:00  AM –  Darwin’s Career – Dr. Mark Buchheim

9:00-9:30 AM –  Teaching Evolution in Oklahoma – Bob Melton

9:30-10.00 AM – Geologic Time – Dr. Bryan Tapp

10:00-10:50 AM – Evolutionary Research at University of Tulsa – TU Graduate Students

11:00-11:50 AM – Recent Advances in Evolutionary Research – Dr. Robert Scott

12:00-12:30 PM – Panel Wrap-up

To register contact  Beverly Phelps, 918-631-2517, or beverly-phelps@utulsa.edu

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