‘Best Practice Simplified’ on the KABT BioBlog

Over on the left side of this page are links to a number of other science associations of interest. KABT (Kansas Association of Biology Teachers) member Scott Sharp has just posted a new item on the KABT BioBlog that is intriguing given it’s alignment with the intent of Oklahoma’s  process skill standards and stated emphasis on inquiry.  I found it interesting and worth sharing…

“At the EduCon 2.1 conference in Philadelphia, late this January, I came across the most profound, succinct, and employable explanation of “best practice” that I have ever seen.  I would like to make the argument that if all teachers in our schools employed this simple model, education would be revolutionized in this country.  On posters throughout one of Philadelphia’s top public schools, the Science Leadership Academy, were the following five core values, constituting what I see as the best roadmap to best practice that I have seen:  Inquiry; Research; Collaboration; Presentation; Reflection…”

You may view the latest post at

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