Oklahoma Ecoregion DVD

I am excited to announce that an Oklahoma Ecoregion DVD has just been mailed to your district’s Superintendent’s office. This DVD produced by the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department and Oklahoma State Parks in cooperation with the State Department of Education will prove to be a valuable teaching tool in your classroom.  Six 5 to 7 minutes video clips show Oklahoma’s diverse ecosystems, animal behavior and adaptation, rock formations, and other important science concepts.  The clips are aligned to Oklahoma PASS and are targeted to middle schools students; however, any age student would benefit from these images. There is a letter from Superintendent Garrett included and all schools have permission to produce as many copies as necessary.

The Oklahoma State Department of Education web site will post Teacher Guides and copies of the DVD soon. 

Please contact your Superintendent’s Office and ask them to watch for the DVD.  Then share the info with all the science teachers in your district!

Jana Rowland, Science Director

Standards and Curriculum

Oklahoma State Department of Education

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