Tag Archives: Events


A LIVE INTERACTIVE NASA WEBCAST FOR STUDENTS   “George Ellery Hale’s Legacy and the Future of Giant American Telescopes” When: Wednesday, October 8, 2008 – 11:00 AM (PACIFIC TIME) (2:00 pm Eastern; 8:00 am Hawaii)   Where: On the Internet  … Continue reading

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BioBlitz! Rescheduled

You may know that BioBlitz! 2008, originally scheduled for Sept 12-13, was postponed due to heavy rain and flooding in Alfalfa County. The NEW DATE for BioBlitz! is OCTOBER 10 & 11. If you haven’t registered already, on-line registration is open until … Continue reading

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Rose State College is pleased to host the Arkansas-Oklahoma-Kansas section of the American Association of Physics Teachers (AOK-AAPT) 2008 annual meeting on Oct 31st – Nov 1st.   At the banquet/dinner on Friday October 31st, the Keynote Speaker will be … Continue reading

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Ready, Set, SCIENCE Workshop

Ready, Set, SCIENCE! ‑ Understanding instructional strategies consistent with current research on teaching and learning science to work in the K‑8 classroom.  The National Academies has synthesized science education research about how students learn science. Ready, Set, SCIENCE! is the practitioners’ guide for using … Continue reading

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Mini-Medical School

Do you have students interested in a career in medicine or research! Do they want to see what it is like to be in medical school for a night? The Oklahoma Center for Neuroscience has just the program for them: … Continue reading

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Pre-Register today for The OSTA Fall Conference

Science Inside and Out is the 2008 OSTA Fall Conference to be held Saturday, October 25 on the campus of NSU- Broken Arrow.  NOW is the time to register using this form- prereg08. Click the Conferences Header to find the … Continue reading

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Oklahoma Association for Environmental Education Awards

The Oklahoma Association for Environmental Education (OKAEE) mission includes recognition of exemplary efforts in environmental education.  You can help OKAEE accomplish this mission by nominating deserving individuals for an OKAEE award. OKAEE recognizes excellence in environmental education by presenting custom fine art trophies in … Continue reading

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OSDE to Offer Science Assessment Workshops

The Office of Accountability and Assessments is pleased to offer workshops for Oklahoma science educators concerning the End-of-Instruction (EOI) Biology and Grade 5 and 8 sciences assessments. Primary objectives of the workshops include the following: To understand the use of … Continue reading

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Sneak Peek in the OKC Adventure District

  The 5 museums and attractions that make up the Oklahoma City Adventure District are hosting a come and go Teachers’ Sneak Peek in Thursday, September 4th from 4 to 8 pm.  If you live within and hour or two … Continue reading

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How was YOUR Summer Workshop?

Jim Collins at the Safe Science Summit As schools across Oklahoma open again for students, now is a good time to reflect on all the great workshops and institutes that took place this summer.  OSTA members were evident as both … Continue reading

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